Bone broth has been used as a remedy for centuries. But will it help you heal from IBS? Read on to find out. What is bone broth? Bone broth is a traditional remedy that has been used for thousands of years. It is made by simmering bones in water until all the meat is cooked […]
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IBS- and all other digestive disorders (Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis etc.)- have an element of dysbiosis to them. Dysbiosis is the term used when the gut micro biome has been altered, whether it is from infection by a pathogen (i.e. parasites), not enough of the good bacteria, bacteria in the wrong places (SIBO) or high numbers of […]
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A common theme I see in women from the age of 30+ with gut issues is low thyroid hormone or hypothyroidism. There is a significant connection between the functioning of the thyroid and gut health and many people are able to bring their thyroid hormone levels up just by addressing their gut issues. The thyroid gland […]
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There are lots of supplements available to help improve digestion and reduce heartburn, gas and bloating: HCL, plant enzymes, DGL, bitters, peppermint capsules, ginger capsules- each can play an important role in helping someone with digestive issues feel better when used appropriately. There is, however, one VERY important thing you need to know before spending the […]
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Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth affects 84% of people with IBS. 84%!! If you’ve been struggling with chronic gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea it’s worth talking to your Doctor about SIBO testing. (A SIBO overview, including testing information can be found here). Once you determine that SIBO is an issue, a treatment plan can be put into place. […]
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I talk a lot about the Low FODMAP diet for controlling Irritable Bowel Syndrome (“IBS”) because it’s proven to be the most effective diet at controlling IBS. Scientifically. Not from alternative medicine folklore. But sometimes it’s not enough to control IBS. Even when paired with appropriate supplements (i.e. probiotics) and/or medication. The missing key for those who have been struggling with IBS […]
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I’ll be the first to say that, at first glance, the Low FODMAP diet is confusing as heck. For me, getting started on it was so daunting a task that I kept putting it off….and off…..until I had exhausted every other diet/supplement/superfood I thought would make my IBS symptoms go away. At that point I had two […]
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When I was first diagnosed with IBS back in 2008 I was having an incredibly hard time controlling my symptoms even with the recommendations from my Doctor. So, like you, I turned to the internet for answers. I spent hours scouring the internet for information on how to control or even get rid of IBS. […]
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